Getting error runtime error' 339': Component 'picclp32.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid

Windows 7.0 or Vista

1. Open a Command Prompt window running as administrator, by clicking on: 

Start > All Programs > Accessories > right-click "Command Prompt" and select "Run as administrator" 

2. Change to the Windows System directory using the command: 

cd c:\windows\system32 (if you have 32-bit Vista) 
cd c:\windows\syswow64 (if you have 64-bit Vista) 

3. Execute the commands: 

regsvr32 picclp32.ocx /u
regsvr32 picclp32.ocx 

Windows XP

Go to Start > Run
Type in 'regsvr32 picclp32.ocx' and hit enter.
Then a message will appear, 'DLLRegisterServer in picclp32.ocx succeeded'

 Updated: February 17, 2010